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New way of building off site

Notre mission est simple mais ambitieuse : rendre l’immobilier à nouveau

Attractif pour les investisseurs et accessible pour les occupants.


MECCABUILD est né pour résoudre notre problème.

Renoviris est une entreprise créée il y a 12 ans et spécialisée dans la construction et la rénovation de bâtiments. Le métier de la construction est un secteur compliqué par ses normes, les coûts des matériaux sont non maîtrisables, trouver de la main d’œuvre qualifiée est  très compliqué car la pénibilité sur chantier est également un facteur négatif. 

Les matériaux traditionnels, le béton, des blocs en terre cuite, béton ou autres nécessitent une installation de chantiers importante, coûteuse et des délais de séchage importants.

Par ses différentes contraintes nous avons décidé d’en faire une force.
Nous sommes à l’écoute de vos désidératas de votre projet immobilier et le réalisons sur mesure en respectant l’ensemble des normes en vigueur.

Nous avons créé notre usine de préfabriqué pour un de nos projets à Bruxelles, la construction de 80 appartements sur plusieurs immeubles. Avec nos équipes en interne,  nous avons imaginé notre ligne de production, de la création de châssis, à la pose des différents matériaux, type isolation, osb, gyprock jusqu’à l’étanchéité de la toiture.

Grâce à cela nous pouvons réduire le temps de construction de 30% et garantir nos prix auprès de notre client.

Nous n’avons pas la prétention de contrôler toute la chaîne et avons établi un partenariat à long terme avec la société Besteel. Nous nous fournissons exclusivement chez eux car Ils maitrisent parfaitement bien l’ingénierie et la production d’acier léger.






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We get your projects afloat

With years of experience and strategic partners worldwide, we guide you from concept to realization, making your floating project successful.

Why on the water

Water offers infinite opportunities. It is the key to economic progress and offers
immense potential for implementing innovative solutions.

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Devenez une organisation Zéro Mégot !

Afin de garantir la réussite de votre démarche responsable, nos équipes vous aident à définir le cadre d’un projet Zéro Mégot : recyclage des mégots, choix des cendriers, communication associée, fréquence de collecte optimale…

featured-en Nicht kategorisiert Produkt en


Concrete and comprehensive solutions for dealing with cigarette butts

As a signatory of the “Zero Plastic” manifesto and a player in waste management, particularly in the collection and recycling of cigarette butts, shime is the exclusive partner of MéGO! for Luxembourg, Belgium and Moselle.

shime begleitet Vereine, Gemeinden und Unternehmen bei der Umsetzung von „Null-Kippen“-Projekten.shime supports associations, municipalities and companies in the implementation of “zero-tipping” projects.

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Design and installation of pile foundations in Kyiv, Kharkov, Dnipro, Odessa, Nikolaev, Lvov, Zaporozhye and other cities of Ukraine.

Today, due to reliability, strength and stability, the foundation on screw piles is one of the most popular types of foundation both in low-rise construction in the construction of wooden houses, baths, saunas, fences and gates, and in the construction of hydro and industrial structures.

Ground screws are an excellent solution for construction on swampy, sandy and water-saturated soils.

The PILLAR ground screw is a second generation screw pile, which is a pipe with blades of a special configuration. Thanks to this design, the ground screw easily penetrates into the ground by screwing.

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Competence for community housing projects

We support individuals and groups in making their vision of a community housing project come true. Our clients are future residents of co-housing projects as well as experts, architects, promoters, builders or investors of alternative forms of housing. We provide competent support in all decisions.

Ecological residential communities that connect generations

Alternative forms of living in a multigenerational style are not only beneficial for the individual. Living together is also increasingly in demand in the development of cities and regions and ensures neighbourhoods with a high quality of life for all residents. Nouma participatory housing projects are always based on self-management, solidarity, civic engagement and ecology.


  • Support during the entire co-design process (e.g. project development, development of a joint charter)
  • Search for persons/marketing
  • Support with technical or legal questions ( real estate research, architecture, financing)
  • Calculation per person and time spent
  • Follow-up support for residents after moving in


  • Declaration of intent between Nouma and the supported person to ensure sustainability.
  • Upon realisation of a project, Nouma receives a lump sum for construction/renovation.
  • If desired, Nouma offers further support to ensure long-term success.

About Nouma

Nouma was founded in Luxembourg in 2016 and has been run as a non-profit community (SIS) since 2020. The Nouma team supports and accompanies both individuals who are interested in multi-generational living and groups who want to offer alternative housing projects. Nouma offers competent advice on planning and implementation for all project stages.

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Highest water quality due to patented active anode technology

Water pipes, household appliances, sanitary facilities and fittings are heavily polluted by the high lime content in water – this can be expensive. With AQUABION® water treatment you can protect your home. AQUABION® works without electricity, without chemicals and without magnets. Our reliable AQUABION® technology also saves you ongoing maintenance.

Protect your water quality and your facilities – with AQUABION®.

Das AQUABION®-System zur Wasserbehandlung lässt sich auch nachträglich in Haushalte, Gewerbe und Industrie integrieren.

The AQUABION® system for water treatment can also be retrofitted into households, businesses and industry.


  • Patented galvanisation technology
  • 5-year guarantee
  • No mineral loss: minerals and hardness of the water are preserved
  • Professional installation by licensed ION installers
  • Suitable for residential and commercial buildings


  • Galvanic process
  • Self-cleaning, high-purity zinc anode binds the CaCo3
  • Whirling body made of stainless steel, which supports the effect of the AQUABION®.
  • Metal housing made of brass
  • Pressure-resistant up to 16 bar PN 16
  • Easy installation thanks to rotatable DIN bottles
  • TÜV-tested, DVGW-tested materials
  • Use of recyclable materials according to TVO guideline (AVBWasserV)
  • Series sizes flanged: DN 50 – DN 250
  • Special sizes flanged: up to DN 1000

The manufacturer

Founded in 1990 in Düsseldorf by Managing Director Marc Flettner, ION Deutschland GmbH has developed into a successful family business. In 2002, Flettner launched the AQUABION® system, which was internationally patented in 2009.

AQUABION® treats water without chemicals and contributes to environmental protection with over 200,000 installations.


AQUABION® – Application areas



Pipes become blocked, expensive fittings, household appliances, washing machines or dishwashers calcify and cause costly damage to the house or the appliances themselves.

The modern, environmentally friendly water treatment – completely without electricity, without ongoing maintenance, without chemicals and no magnets. The hardness in the water is not reduced! The minerals remain in the water!


The small water treatment system with a big effect: That is the AQUABION® Mini.

Especially for rented and owner-occupied flats where the installation of a central water treatment system is not possible.

Fine Filter

For water that should not only be clear, but pure.

The high-performance filters we recommend remove even the smallest particles from the water, can be backwashed manually or automatically and ensure the longevity and functional reliability of fittings.

The quality is impeccable and complies with legal protection standards such as DIN 1988 and the new DIN EN 806 for the operation of drinking water installations.

Filter ION-LECK-STOP Combi –
Quickly assembled safety

The filter LECK-STOP Kombi offers effective leakage protection: With state-of-the-art electronics, the device monitors the water supply in the house.

If an unusually high water withdrawal – for example in the case of a burst pipe – or a low, regular water withdrawal – e.g. constant dripping – is measured, the LECK-STOP immediately shuts off the entire pipe system and the consequences of water damage are minimised.

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Efficient and environmentally friendly:
A house entirely according to your wishes.

Halzebatz is a transportable house in modular construction that you can use for both living and working. Halzebatz comes in four sizes from 18.27 to 85.9 m2. You simply choose from our modules and a few weeks later your modern habitat is in place.

Timeless aesthetics meets
Cradle to Cradle

Halzebatz excels in economical spatial concepts. You have the land – we supply the house. In a captivating interplay of long-lasting materials, the design convinces with a no-frills look.


  • Flexible use: office or living space
  • Reduced assembly and production time thanks to ready delivery
  • Use of the sustainable building material wood
  • Resource-saving due to low CO2 consumption


The mobile Halzebatz® houses are available in four module packages.

An individual combination of the modules allows for a living or working environment that is precisely adapted to your requirements.

All interfaces are designed for mobility. No special equipment is required for dismantling, assembly and transport.

The manufacturer

Halzebatz is the result of Pit Streicher’s collaboration with BANICE ARCHITECTES and AWOODGROUP, who specialise in minimalist designs for homes and office buildings. BANICE ARCHITECTES see themselves as visionary idea generators who combine aesthetics with technological precision. They have won several international awards and have convinced a discerning public with their designs that are designed to last.

Recevez une invitation à notre salle d’exposition virtuelle, une consultation ou des informations sur notre produit.

Veuillez saisir votre nom et une adresse électronique ci-dessous et nous vous contacterons.

Halzebatz® – Packages

One module

Net area: 18.27 m2
Gross area: 26.55 m2

Two modules

Net area: 42.35 m2
Gross area: 53.10 m2

Three modules

Net area: 62.73 m2
Gross area:75.85 m2

Four modules

Net area: 85.90 m2
Gross area: 102.49 m2

Individual configuration

We will advise you personally on your individual module configuration.

Please contact our staff for this purpose.

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Solutions for net zero energy buildings

All our solutions under the umbrella of an all – in – one service will help to maximize efficiency and reduce environmental impact of the buildings.

Each of our projects is tailor made using complementary products of our portfolio in order to reach the highest performance. We achieve optimum energy performance within the building with easy to use, comprehensive in function which in turn provides and secures a return of investment for each of our customers.

Our performance is based on maximizing smart technologies that add conceptual value in one system composed of three elements:

Produkte und Dienstleistungen


Firstly, we evaluate the energy capabilities of an existing or planned building. We then use our technologies to propose a plan which will in turn translate, based on technical and economical data, into an ROI. Then using our expertise, we execute the plan so that your building will begin to generate energy and reap the rewards of our applied technologies.


We merge the applied technologies using our software and tools to produce electricity, then optimize the readout on easy to use devices that are common to everyone. Our software gives you the option to choose the most efficient program based on your needs. All you have to do is press OK. Once secured, we produce a management report based on daily output securing the system at all times.

You get a comprehensive E-report with quarterly updates on electricity generated that can be shared with local power companies that will entitle you to revenue.


Our associated companies manage all the local approvals and certifications necessary to make your building compliant. Our legal department clarifies all documentation to the customer in easy to read language. The new building can either save or begin to generate income based on the contract.